1) trust my instincts
2) listen to jenny
3) listen to my momma
4) listen to kaitlin
5) i'm wasting time
and a partridge in a pear tree

conor, sarah, violet, nathan, and a fruit bat. ok. a papilion. the second bedroom is primarily used for storage so there is now an air mattress carefully wedged in amongst the junk. i'm getting everyone settled, and i'll be back soon.
the baby didn't slee...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

twisted jammies

nighty night

my know-it-all

(post inspired by the good natured banter of cbt and sd)
My husband is a brainiac. He also talks. A lot. He just jabbers on incessantly, while my mind wanders, and I occasionally learn a thing or to. I stress occasionally. He's the guy in class you hate. The one inspiring the teacher to ask, "Does anyone ELSE know the answer." Yep, that's my Conor. He graduated from basic training as an honor graduate. Not just any honor graduate, the top airman. His mother gasped when they made the announcement. I just sighed. We now have a plaque in the living room. I make some remark about hunter-gatherers, and I get a lesson on fire flushing, and how the aborigines created the bush. I knew I was in love when he explained the internal combustion engine. I have never been attracted (for any length of time) to someone who wasn't smarter than I. On our first date he beat me at scrabble. That was the end for me. I may have broken the bank on this one though. I honestly don't care about physics. HONESTLY. Who reads books on the history of zero, and how it shaped civilization? He wants a tattoo of some formula about chaos, but as I mentioned earlier I don't always listen so I can't remember what it's called. So for my sister out there with a know-it-all for life, I roll my eyes with you. We've done it to ourselves.
let there be tooth

a letter to conor at basic training

Your wife,
is that all i am to you?

We taught (or are presently teaching I guess) Violet sign language. I took 2 semesters of ASL in college. We use the signs for eat, drink, more, momma, daddy, diaper, bath, etc. All the things in her daily life she may need to communicate. Well it seems she's gotten a little mixed up, because she now signs "milk" everytime she sees me.
zig zigler, here i come

a little extra

babies don't keep

Song for a Fifth Child
Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth
empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
hang out the washing and butter the bread,
sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
pat-a-cake darling, and peek, peekaboo.
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
and out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
but I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?
lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo.
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

i'm a little mixed up
I just told Conor to stop talking to me so I could read his blog. My embarrassment has been immortalized here
what i set out to do

jacob continues to make me think

I certainly understand your position. And I've come across a lot of crazy parents out to make their baby a genius. My philosophy is that babies LOVE to learn about anything, and it is my job to present her with things she would have otherwise not discovered on her own. I absolutely agree with you about testing, and I feel a little ashamed that I said anything about her picking the right flag, because it is TRULY not the point of the game. Its about stimulating her visual pathway with interesting things. I am actually opposed to testing as a learning tool, and will not use it when I start formally schooling Violet. As much as it sounds like pressure, it really is a game. When she gets the flag wrong I say "Good girl! That's Venezuela!" I also believe that reading is a neurological function, not an academic one, and that children can learn to read as early as they learn language. I think a lot of the issue with reading is that we wait so long to teach children to read, that by the time they learn, the material they are presented with is far below their intellectual level, and bores them to tears. I agree that babies need lots of time to tool around and explore, and Gillian's little baby brain will be chock full of experiential knowledge one way or the other. And keep on crawling!
baby brains

little person

I remember shortly after Violet was born, I had a conversation with my mother about having more children. I told her I didn't know if I wanted more. I was afraid the next one would be a dud. Since then I've certainly come full circle, as I have a veritable library on international adoption. It still amazes me how backward and archaic people's views on adoption are. Oh, they'll mention how great it is that people adopt, but when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, what they really wonder is why I would want to adopt when I can have "one of my own." My own. She's really not, you know. I've never felt that Violet belongs to me. I have been entrusted with her, and for that I am grateful and terrified. I had a conversation with Conor about not having expectations of your children. My mother-in-law looked horrified when I said it. Its not that I don't expect that she do her best. I just must try not to expect that she do MY best. I always find myself, when I go in to pick her up from a nap, greeting her with a "hi, little person." Little person. Her own little person, with her own vast possibility stretching out in front of her. And so it continues millions of times, for millions of children, with infinite possibility. How elitist that we should think our biology should make our children somehow superior. If your child had been left on your doorstep, would you love them any differently? Violet has a book about "Miss Spider", who hatched only to discover that she couldn't find her mother. She searched high and low, and was bullied by bigger bugs along the way. Finally a beetle took Miss Spider in telling her, "For finding your mother, there's one certain test. You must look for the creature who loves you the best."
peas in strange places

catch a tiger by the toe
cart me off

you oughta be in pictures
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