i comply
1. First kiss: Kevin Milligan. Went on to become quite the handsome naval pilot.
2. First love: Peter Jones. Generic name, huh? 5th Grade.
3. First heartbreak: I put it off until I was 21. Not too shabby.
4. First car: 1987 Mazda 626. Had tons of bells and whistles. Sold it with 207,000 miles.
5. First pet: Bela. Scary looking German Shepherd. One of those once-in-a-lifetime dogs.
6. First word: No idea
7. First concert: I believe it was MC Hammer at the Illinois State Fair
8. First sexual partner: The Wrestler
9. First alcoholic beverage: I can't remember exactly. Something the corrupters gave me, I'm sure.
10. First time you stayed out all night: I'm pretty sure I was an adult at the time.
11. First best friend: see first kiss
12. First job: I was a weight loss counselor. Idn't that funny?
13. First school: Unity Point. Audrey Hartline was my kindergarten teacher. She signed her name with a heart and a line. It was cute.
14. First movie you watched in a theater: No clue
15. First thing you really saved up money for: possibly paying off credit cards?
16. First run in with the Law: me and my moving violations. not to mention parking tickets. Whoo!
17. First date: I don't think I had one. I never had the "will you go to this place with me on a date?" thing. I always ended up dating friends.
1. Last kiss: Miss Violet
2. Last person you hugged: Miss Violet
3. Last person you spoke to: in person: Miss Violet email: my husband
4. Last alcoholic beverage: i wish i could remember.
5. Last sexual partner: should i make some really bad joke here?
6. Last movie: Under the Sand. Weird. Foreign.
7. Last person you thought of: the fat little pug
8. Last school you went to: COD
9. Last person you said " I love you" to: Miss Violet
10. Last run in with the Law: it's been awhile. parking tickets probably.
11. Last fight you were in: what, like fist fight? i'm sure the last person I verbally sparred with was Conor.
12. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to: Um. um um um....oh yeah! The office Christmas party.
13. Last person you e-mailed: Conor
14. Last thing you ate: Fresh coconut.
15. Last thing you saved up money for: saving money for furniture....
1. Next person you want to kiss: Conor and Violet can fight for me
2. Next movie you want to see: V for Vendetta (me too me too! only we have to wait for netflix, so maybe i should watch something in the interim)
3. Next person you want to go out with: My husband
4. Next car you want to have: No more cars.
5. Next time you're going out: Tomorrow morning 9 am
6. Next time you're going to move: Probably when the Air Force tells us to.
7. Next thing you are going to save money for: College?
8. Next time that you will drink alcohol: um. funny question there.
9. Next person you are going to call: Angela. To find her in the parking lot at the Highland Games.
10. Next place you'll take vacation: Ireland? maybe.
11. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out: sleep until the flower makes her nightime peeps.
12. Next thing you are going to eat: cream of wheat in the AM. yum.
13. Next time you plan to be drunk: once again....
14. Next thing you are going to do outside: Go watch scottish guys throw rocks and stuff.
15. Next person you'd like to see fill this out: Chiro? you're still alive, right?
1. First kiss: Kevin Milligan. Went on to become quite the handsome naval pilot.
2. First love: Peter Jones. Generic name, huh? 5th Grade.
3. First heartbreak: I put it off until I was 21. Not too shabby.
4. First car: 1987 Mazda 626. Had tons of bells and whistles. Sold it with 207,000 miles.
5. First pet: Bela. Scary looking German Shepherd. One of those once-in-a-lifetime dogs.
6. First word: No idea
7. First concert: I believe it was MC Hammer at the Illinois State Fair
8. First sexual partner: The Wrestler
9. First alcoholic beverage: I can't remember exactly. Something the corrupters gave me, I'm sure.
10. First time you stayed out all night: I'm pretty sure I was an adult at the time.
11. First best friend: see first kiss
12. First job: I was a weight loss counselor. Idn't that funny?
13. First school: Unity Point. Audrey Hartline was my kindergarten teacher. She signed her name with a heart and a line. It was cute.
14. First movie you watched in a theater: No clue
15. First thing you really saved up money for: possibly paying off credit cards?
16. First run in with the Law: me and my moving violations. not to mention parking tickets. Whoo!
17. First date: I don't think I had one. I never had the "will you go to this place with me on a date?" thing. I always ended up dating friends.
1. Last kiss: Miss Violet
2. Last person you hugged: Miss Violet
3. Last person you spoke to: in person: Miss Violet email: my husband
4. Last alcoholic beverage: i wish i could remember.
5. Last sexual partner: should i make some really bad joke here?
6. Last movie: Under the Sand. Weird. Foreign.
7. Last person you thought of: the fat little pug
8. Last school you went to: COD
9. Last person you said " I love you" to: Miss Violet
10. Last run in with the Law: it's been awhile. parking tickets probably.
11. Last fight you were in: what, like fist fight? i'm sure the last person I verbally sparred with was Conor.
12. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to: Um. um um um....oh yeah! The office Christmas party.
13. Last person you e-mailed: Conor
14. Last thing you ate: Fresh coconut.
15. Last thing you saved up money for: saving money for furniture....
1. Next person you want to kiss: Conor and Violet can fight for me
2. Next movie you want to see: V for Vendetta (me too me too! only we have to wait for netflix, so maybe i should watch something in the interim)
3. Next person you want to go out with: My husband
4. Next car you want to have: No more cars.
5. Next time you're going out: Tomorrow morning 9 am
6. Next time you're going to move: Probably when the Air Force tells us to.
7. Next thing you are going to save money for: College?
8. Next time that you will drink alcohol: um. funny question there.
9. Next person you are going to call: Angela. To find her in the parking lot at the Highland Games.
10. Next place you'll take vacation: Ireland? maybe.
11. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out: sleep until the flower makes her nightime peeps.
12. Next thing you are going to eat: cream of wheat in the AM. yum.
13. Next time you plan to be drunk: once again....
14. Next thing you are going to do outside: Go watch scottish guys throw rocks and stuff.
15. Next person you'd like to see fill this out: Chiro? you're still alive, right?
eeek! its a boobie!

Explain to me please, why boobies are only to be enjoyed and displayed when men deem it appropriate. But feeding our children? Heaven forbid. Why exactly is it my job to CARE how feeding my child makes someone feel? Barbara Walters just told the world how uncomfortable it made her that a women dared nurse her child on an airplane that the great Barbara was flying on. Hasn't this woman been in WARS for christsake? And a little boobie skin makes her flustered? Would she have preferred the baby's ears be popping, he be hungry and screaming? Should this woman have pumped so as to not offend Barbara's sensibilities? Nursing in public can certainly be nerve wracking the first few times. But I am making it my personal goal to do it whenever and wherever my baby deems it necessary. I will make no attempt to hide it. I will not force the child to swelter under a blanket. I will not "be discreet" so as to make YOU comfortable. My job is to feed my babies, and feed them I will.
One week and counting!

For the cloth diaper crowd
I know at least 3 of you my little blogger friends use cloth diapers.
Here's what I can get and offer a discount on (generally about 15% off retail).
Pictures are just an example, there are many more products. Check out the websites.
Happy Heinys:

All products including:
Pocket Diapers $14.95 (discounted $12.70)
Fitted Diapers $10.50 (discounted $9.00)
Fleece Covers Prices vary
Wool Covers Prices vary
If you tell me size and style, I can tell you what colors/prints I can get them in.

Cotton Prefolds
Color Prefolds
Fitted Diapers
Hemp Prefolds
Flat Diapers
Baby Wipes
Flannel Diaper Liners
Microterry Inserts
Take a look at the websites, and let me know if you need anything in the next couple of weeks. I'll probably be placing another order shortly before or after Sprout's arrival (July).
Here's what I can get and offer a discount on (generally about 15% off retail).
Pictures are just an example, there are many more products. Check out the websites.
Happy Heinys:


All products including:
Pocket Diapers $14.95 (discounted $12.70)
Fitted Diapers $10.50 (discounted $9.00)
Fleece Covers Prices vary
Wool Covers Prices vary
If you tell me size and style, I can tell you what colors/prints I can get them in.

Cotton Prefolds
Color Prefolds
Fitted Diapers
Hemp Prefolds
Flat Diapers
Baby Wipes
Flannel Diaper Liners
Microterry Inserts
Take a look at the websites, and let me know if you need anything in the next couple of weeks. I'll probably be placing another order shortly before or after Sprout's arrival (July).
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