
in utero

you know how people show you ultrasound pictures?
and you really don't care, cause you can't see anything anyway?
well here's mine.

14 rubber neckers:

sweetviolet said...

while i felt pretty comfortable that the baby would have hair, eyes, and a mouth. i didn't quite feel like i should pencil in some sex organs. and seeing as how the little bugger weighs about 1 oz. right now, the sex organs would probably be microscopic...if yet determined.

sweetviolet said...

that is funny. thankfully those babies will never know they were the subjects of genital comparison. i don't think we'll find out. i liked it that way with v.

WunEyedDog said...

Very nice sweetie. I don't know if it's got any hair yet, but with V, I wouldn't be surprised.

Maddie said...

Yea, fetus!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....I am jealous of all you people having ultrasounds. I am going to have to talk to my midwife about that!! :)

Norma Shineynickels said...

That is abso-fucking-lutely hysterical. I think I peed myself.

sweetviolet said...

pants- does your fetus have purple hair?

ayn- it's fun, isn't it? what about the days when you just had to wait till it came out to see it??

pug- the fetus is a joker. just think how suprised the ultrasound tech was!

ChiroMum said...

Awww, look!!! sarah's hair and conor's eyes! too sweet.

sweetviolet said...

whose bee-stung lips???

ChiroMum said...


Maddie said...

Naw, my fetus doesn't have any hair...just like me when I was a baby. My hair didn't start growing until I was three, and then it was business in the front and party in the back.

sweetviolet said...

violet had some seriously crazy black hair when she was born. she did go through a mullety stage and a mohawky stage though.

Trailady said...

Too cute! Congrats on your new bun in the oven. How well I remember the excitement of a baby on the way. Course the first 4 months were rotten with nausea, but after that I REALLY enjoyed being pregnant.

sweetviolet said...

pagirly- ah the fuzzy baby head. i adore the little downy heads. oh and the SMELL. geez...maybe this is why i keep getting pregnant.

trailady- strangly enough i got sick once so far. i had some serious nausea with violet, but this pregnancy thus far has been nothing like my first.


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