thank you
eric for tagging me.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. work with the missionaries of charity in calcutta
2. adopt a child
3. enable conor to complete something on his "death wish" list
4. be able to make something from raw materials (besides a cake)
5. let my babies live the lives they've chosen
6. make these boobs way or another...
7. have a flat tummy, forever beautifully decorated with silvery peaks and valleys, reminding me what my tummy can do.
7 things I can do:
1. make a good meal out of diddley squat
2. stick to my principles
3. properly use cloth diapers
4. drive an otherwise sane man to suicide (no comments oh peanuts gallery)
5. be the bigger person....(if i just keep muttering that under my breath)
6. be fiercely loyal to the end
7. breed like a bunny, apparently
7 things I cannot do:
1. hold my tongue. (hence the "bigger person" chant)
2. tolerate those who just don't care
3. properly use birth control
4. try new things without much arm twisting
5. listen to people talk down to their children
6. enjoy the ocean
7. deny my inner hippie any longer
7 things that attract me to another person:
1. sheer brilliance
2. the tiniest bit of arrogance
3. little blonde ringlets
4. chatterboxieness
5. an abhorance for all things footwear
6. brute strength
7. a willingness to put up with me
7 things I say most often:
1. what's she eating?
2. daaaaddyyyyy, i have a present for yooooouuuu.
3. violet. lay down.
5. you smell of cheese.
6. i'm so tired
7. there's a baby in my belly, his name is kubla khan. he is there because we could not help but get it on.
7 people I want to do this:
did everyone do this? i think everyone did this. wait.
sarah, did you do this? how's about you do it, huh? unless you're on a blogging break. then just tell me to stick it in my ear. oooohhh...conor. you do it. please? with gravy on top?